The Aliens' Horoscope

By Pierre Scordia 


The human being needs to experience a degree of social success in order to be accepted and respected by his/her community (incredibly, this primitive species still has two genders). Achieving this goal brings them power and influence. All human existence in a group is based on this paradigm. Unfortunately, whatever the system, the individual will be confronted with obstacles voluntarily imposed upon them by members of their tribe. Thus men, in their animal nature, seek to dominate and retain their precedence whilst hindering others of the species, using their particular characteristic, intelligent or cognitive or even violent, to preserve their supposed superiority in the hierarchy.

Another feature of Homo sapiens is their search for spirituality. Whatever their beliefs, they seek a cosmic order in order to justify their role or mission down on Earth. From time to time, they will invent a new religion which serves to institutionalise, standardise, pacify and dominate. The rebel or the atheist in the Homo sapiens tribe may go on to destroy that order by a new and carefully thought out approach. The spiritual master (King) and the rebel (Philosopher) hold onto their privileged influence, one by an aura of mystery and power, the other by the clever use of words and by spurring people to rebellion. In fact, the philosopher is often much more ferocious than the suzerain. Surprisingly, both believe in their lucky star. It is interesting to note that the forces of random chance and cunning plots may prolong or abort the ruler’s reign.

Every human is caught up within a stormy spiral called stress or fear. These symptoms usually weaken their immune system within the space of a mere few months, accelerating their brief stint in the physical world. The number twelve, a multiple of six, is extremely important in the human social order. With regard to their astrology, we established the following twelve categories of Homo sapiens.


1. The Beggar (Pisces):

The beggar is an unhappy man even if he is to some extent more at liberty than others. He is completely detached from his ego and remains indifferent to what others think of him. He is fully aware that he sits right at the bottom of the social ladder and cannot fall any lower. The worry is gone. He cares nothing for good manners. Beggars tend to isolate themselves from the rest of society, which in any case would reject them because they represent a threat against the established order. Beggars will exercise their authority on dogs by stroking, feeding, beating and even sometimes killing them; however, they do not eat them. Homeless females are even less fortunate; they are often more abused than the dogs.

2. The Official (Aries):

The official has a key role in Homo sapiens society. He or she is the magician who realises any policy decided by the King or impostor. Officials can be thorough in their work, zealous, even sadistic in some cases. They will play on their power as soon as the opportunity presents. In some societies, they inherit great freedom in decision-making and the more corrupt the State, the more its civil servants prosper and flourish. In general, they prove very diligent at their task if the bribe is sufficiently high. Officials who work at border crossings will have full opportunity to explore their Manichean dualism: to assist, traffic, enrich, offend or humiliate. (However, we noted that some remain incorruptible; these are considered by their superiors to be a threat and danger to the system in place.) Officials can go so far as to exterminate a whole section of the population if such is the order of the Government under which they serve.

3. The Farmer (Taurus)

We do not understand why this being has been so despised by the masses for many centuries. He is considered unsophisticated, not gifted in rhetoric and somewhat boorish. He takes charge of the dirty work which consists of killing, disembowelling, skinning and cutting animals - other living beings that Homo sapiens believe are devoid of wit, emotions and words, although those victims are often genetically very close to their executioners. Moreover, the entire societal structure depends upon the Farmer for without his skill, labour and productivity starvation and violence would inevitably reign.

4. The Journalist (Gemini)

The Journalist is both courageous and dangerous. In some countries, he or she is nicknamed the "fourth power". Journalists may be persecuted or pampered according to their political beliefs. They are often under pressure that they simply produce whatever is expected of them. Reporters can overthrow the King by their verbal diarrhoea, as they can strengthen his power by promoting his propaganda, hence the importance of pampering them with hearty dinners in the spheres of power, at the end of which they are given autographed pictures of themselves with the King; few can resist such affability, praise and utmost care.But the journalist, like the King, understands that his own prosperity and privileges depend on spreading fear amongst society. It is imperative to sell fear, not only because it generates revenues, but furthermore it maintains the dominance of their own precarious position. This is why we have witnessed TV channels, websites and free newspapers bombarding humans all day long with shocking and violent news, terrifying the public and polluting their minds. Inside these same publications we also found writing known as gossip, a method of ridiculing or humiliating certain artists or politicians who have fallen into disgrace with their King. The journalist is faced with a difficult moral choice; either they contribute to the dissemination of negative energy whose official goal is to inform but whose actual purpose is to distract the masses and keep them in ignorance or they bravely participate in the potential awakening which slumbers in every earthling. It is not an exaggeration to say that the journalist is the most powerful being on the Blue Planet.

5. The Priest (Cancer)

The priest is the one with the least faith in himself, in his lucky star, which can make him illogical and fearful to the point of fanaticism. To reduce his anxiety level, he relies upon dogmas to orient his life. He is a bit like the autistic man. With a certain structure and well-established rules, he will show a remarkable efficiency and zeal. What seems incomprehensible to us is that the priest becomes malign when he loses faith and goes on to develop an obsession with fire. Furthermore, the most radical priests are the ones who have been converted. Aware of their origins, they will demonstrate unprecedented cruelty, especially towards their former community, hoping this zeal will bring them to the top of their new hierarchy. They are called “purifiers”. Often they will fall into the worship of a negative energy that brings them power, sex and paranoia. In general, females are excluded from the priesthood, an all-male society with all the excesses that this implies.

6. The King (Lion)

The King is the one responsible for the evolution of society as a whole. He tends to be charismatic, authoritative and charming, qualities required for survival. If he is honest, selfless and good, he will act in order to bring prosperity to his tribe and will do everything in his power to avoid unnecessary war. However, if this policy goes against the interests of the Mafioso, the Priest and the Official, he risks his life, hence the need to win the favour of the fourth power. The King, as soon as he reaches his throne, will do whatever it takes, legal or not, to preserve his function. The King likes to be constantly flattered and his entourage will tell him only good news, which distances him from reality. If he can remain both feared and loved, he will be more than happy. He will undertake major works, not to create jobs but to be remembered for posterity. His only real tragedy is that his death is unavoidable.

7. The Teacher (Virgo)

The Teacher performs the most difficult job on the Blue Planet today, and is often the target of many insults and jeers from the apprentices. There has been a great evolution in the teaching environment. Formerly, teachers were feared by their apprentices, respected by all parents. Today, they are ridiculed, threatened and eyed up and down. However, society maintains them in their unattractive task by means of antidepressants, long holidays, sick leave and brain washing on the benefits of political correctness and statistics targets. Note that teachers are gifted beings, with substantial resilience and unending patience. Their profession is increasingly reserved for women and immigrants.

8. The Artist (Libra)

The Artist is a being totally absorbed in himself or herself. Artists hide from the rest of the world but in order to sell their art they criticise society. They are amongst the most charming of Homo sapiens, however they ingeniously conceal their misanthropy. We have observed that their brain works abnormally, which explains their inclination to the left, individualism, dyslexia, loneliness or the cult of Bacchus. However, it is thanks to them that conscience, freedom and cultural heritage survive and spread in society during times of authoritarian rule (which constitutes as much as 86% of the time since the emergence of the Homo sapiens species).

9. The Mafioso (Scorpio)

Mafiosi are the most dangerous because they are ready to use all means at their disposal to keep their dominion over and influence upon the rest of the population. They will not hesitate to eliminate their opponents. They will assist the King and the Priest to consolidate their power as long as the authorities absolve and turn a blind eye to their crimes. As an alliance, the Mafiosi will build hospitals and schools, finance charitable aid, and sponsor the construction of temples, churches or mosques, in this way reinforcing their popularity with the populace. Sometimes they will help the beggar out of his misery in return for a favour, for example the physical removal of the Judge, the Official, the Journalist and even the King. Their only weakness is extreme instability in their private life. Mafiosi are usually men, more rarely women, who have been turned sociopathic by some childhood trauma. At a very young age, they would have wanted to be stronger, bigger, more beautiful and talented. This bitterness transformed them into highly dangerous primates.

10. Employee (Sagittarius)

Employees are the main force in Homo sapiens society. It is thanks to them that objectives are profitably achieved. Employees, in general, have other ambitions than those related to their profession. They think especially about dinner, leisure, comfort and sometimes their personal development. Their most important days are Friday, Saturday and Sunday. During these three days, Employees will demonstrate an exceptional ability for planning, organisation, creativity and enthusiasm, though this tends to fade fairly rapidly on late Sunday afternoon. In times of stability, Employees are subdued and cooperative, allowing the elite to live in an ostentatiously luxurious manner; this docile behaviour will encourage the latter to establish a social security system to appease the exploited workforce. On the other hand, if the concept of stability should disappear, the Employees will follow the Philosopher to overthrow the elite and the King because by their nature, Employees possess no loyalty.

11. The Judge (Capricorn)

The Judge is the supposedly incorruptible one upon whom the hope of the people depends. Only the Judge has the power to mitigate the actions of the Official, the Mafioso, the Priest, the Philosopher and the King. Unfortunately, we found that in 60% of cases, the Judges bow to pressure from their leader. But there is hope in the remaining 40% who are honest and righteous and work for a fairer world. Lamentably a minority of Judges will have no qualms about using violent punishment on humans that are pronounced guilty, by sentencing them to be whipped or to have their body cut or sliced. We have noticed that most tend to join secret societies in order to consolidate their power and to relieve their social isolation, because deep down, the judge is a fearful and lonely person. Ultimately, it is the fraternity to which he or she belongs that ultimately controls and directs the course of justice.

12. The Philosopher (Aquarius)

The Philosopher is the one who lives with the greatest faith: he firmly believes in his genius. Whoever of these declares himself an atheist is the most dangerous because in his view nothing could be greater than his intellect. Once power is in his grasp, he will act as a god incarnate, certain that no greater force could moderate or overpower him. He will be at once meticulous and ruthless in achieving his goals, introducing and implementing a national policy of “collective interest”, in order to justify and ease the rapid removal of any obstacles that could cast doubt on his ineffable wisdom and unquestionable strategy.


We strongly advise members of our planet to avoid contact with Homo sapiens. Since they were able to create a food industry derived from flesh, they may reserve the same fate for us in the long run if they judge us inferior, tasty and full of minerals and vitamin C. We believe animals are far less capricious and undoubtedly less dangerous; this is the reason why we suggest to the Committee of Interstellar Nations that our spatial association comes to the urgent rescue of invertebrates particularly bees, reptiles such as turtles and mammals such as elephants, dolphins, whales, orang-utans and pandas.



Furthermore, we have noticed that humans appear to feel harassed by an invisible force, which makes them extremely dangerous and irrational. This force seems to be from an energetic and dualistic source, which worries us greatly. We would have previously suggested to the Committee the destruction of the Blue Planet but after a long period of observation, we conclude that it would be an unnecessary cost because we expect Homo sapiens to irremediably destroy their habitat within the next fifty years. Their greed is boundless, their fear constant, jealousy haunts them and nuclear technology threatens their civilisation at any given moment.

However, some of them enable us to glimpse a glimmer of hope since they are fully aware of their flaws and they work tirelessly towards a revival, a renaissance, a new age. They appreciate the complexity of their nature and attempt to control their thoughts and impulses with various techniques, most notably one named “meditation”. Thus they prevent unseen entities from taking possession of their minds so as to maintain realistic but optimistic thoughts and reach an understanding of the concept of Oneness.

FΩRMIdea London, 4th October 2015.

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