By Patricia Ventura

Ignoring someone by giving priority to our mobile phones hurts relationships; we have all been there either as a victim or a perpetrator.

When we stare at our phones connecting with someone we barely know on social media, texting someone who doesn't invest quality time in visiting to know how life really is for us or perhaps flipping through some pictures the same way we did years ago with old photo albums, remembering moments with people we love, we are avoiding the life soul heartbeat. This seemingly normal behaviour disrupts actual present moments in our most treasured and valued personal relationships.

Ignoring relationships through excessive phone use decreases marital satisfaction and may lead to conflicts, contributing to increased feelings of depression, negatively impacting the most important relationship we can have as an adult - the one with our life partner.

There is some evidence to suggest that people who use mobile phones in a compulsive way are prone to be less polite and attentive.

As human beings we are by nature extremely attuned to other people, and mobile phone use interferes with this sense of connection, closeness and the quality of communication with others. Ironically this communication device is “the perfect tool " for avoiding intimacy in relationships.

People who spend more time than is necessary and healthy staring at their phone screen tend to have poor communication skills and limited vocabulary.

Most people do so looking for inclusion, turning to their cell phones in order to be distracted from themselves and deeply painful feelings of emptiness and anger from being socially neglected, but the result is an increase in feelings of stress and depression.

I find it ironic that although they were originally designed as a communication tool, in reality they hinder rather than foster interpersonal connectedness.

So... why do people continue with this compulsive and harmful habit?

It is the fear of missing out and a lack of self -control and in my opinion a major factor is addiction.

FΩRMidea Lisbon, 9th December 2017.

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Short film about a man who is in love with a woman who is dependent on the phone

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Indómita Marsella

December 10, 2017