I was fortunate enough to have spent the lockdown in a beautiful Caribbean island, relatively spared by the pandemic. In the Lesser Antilles we had a lockdown but it wasn't as strict as the one in China, Europe or New York and mortality has been extremely low so far. Nevertheless, it was an unpleasant and surreal experience. I've asked friends and photographers round the world if they wanted to share their experience with an image and a few lines in their native language. Some preferred just letting the picture speak by itself. This article will take you through the 5 continents. All these pictures were taken between February and July 2020. Pierre Scordia, 20/7/2020.
Pierre Scordia
©Giti Kolasi
Photo Credit: Giti Kolasi
Argentina | Buenos Aires
Photo Credit: Diana Martinez llaser | Instagram @dinaranja
Photo Credit: Diana Martinez llaser | Instagram @dinaranja
Photo Credit: Diana Martinez llaser | Instagram @dinaranja
Photo Credit: Diana Martinez llaser | Instagram @dinaranja
Photo Credit: Diana Martinez llaser | Instagram @dinaranja
Australia | Yarra Valley (Victoria)
Life during lockdown in the Australian countryside has been relatively pain-free compared to many other countries. Most days I cycle for 30 km on a purpose-built riding trail through stunning countryside. This routine keeps any covid-comfort-baking bulge at bay and helps me sleep at night. I feel very fortunate to be living here at this extraordinary moment in time. Kerrin ©Kerrin Wallace
Brazil | São Paulo
Caribbean | Martinique
Libertés restreintes pendant le confinement. Seul le sport est autorisé une fois par jour pour une durée limitée à moins d'un kilomètre de son lieu de résidence. Collectivité française d'Outre-mer jouissant d'une toute petite autonomie, la Martinique est quand même soumise à l'autorité du préfet de la République, fonctionnaire nommé par décret du Président français. ©Pierre Scordia
Colombia | Cartagena
¡Juntos lo vamos a lograr! | Isla del Encanto, barú ©Jhon Howard Londoño
©Jhon Howard Londoño
England | City of London
Photo Credit: Gil Cohen-Alloro
Photo Credit: Daniel Cristiano
Bermondsey | ©yalding Media | yaldingmedia.co.uk
England | London | West End
Covent Garden, March 2020 | Photo Credit: Andrew Seligman
National Gallery - Trafalgar Square - March 2020 | ©Andrew Saligman
Liberty | Photo Credit: Daniel Cristiano
China Town - Soho | ©Daniel Cristiano
Piccadilly Circus | ©Daniel Cristiano
© Andrew Seligman
The NHS logo is direct in front of Buckingham Palace - National Health Service ©Andrew Seligman
Waterloo Station - May 2020
Photos credit: Andrew Seligman
England | North London
Germany | Bremen
©Daniel Cristiano
India | Ahmedabad
Photo credit: Pasawala
Italy | Rome
© Daniel Cristiano
Photos Credit: Daniel Cristiano
Japan | Tokyo
©Shohei Kityu
©Shohei Kityu
©Shohei Kityu
©Shohei Kityu
©Shohei Kityu
South Sudan
I had been staying with the Mundari, a nomadic tribe who wander the plains of the Sahel region of South Sudan. Their traditional lifestyle centres around their prized livestock, the large-horned Ankole-Watusi bre
Spain | Catalonia | Barcelona
©Andres Captura
Nunca supimos que tan grande era el mundo hasta cuándo nos obligaron a buscarlo dentro. | ©Andres Captura
©Andres Captura
Las Ramblas | Photo Credit: Cécile Josse
Sweden | Uppsala
Le jour le plus long | ©Fred Daudon
Thailand | Phuket
© Hygino Castro
Photo Credit: Hygino Castro
Turkey | Çeşme
Ukraine | Odessa
©Boris Bukhman
©Boris Bukhman
©Boris Bukhman
©Boris Bukhman
©Nataliia Veresiuk
© Nataliia Veresiuk
© Evgenya Derus
© Evgenya Derus
©Nataliia Veresiuk
It is a reproduction of a picture of Rene Gruau. I made it with pepper and tomato sauce during the lockdown. Nataliia ©Nataliia Veresiuk
USA | New Jersey
©Jean-François Scordia
Photo Credit: Jean-François Scordia
© JF Scordia
If you don't respect the Lockdown, you'll go to jail. If you rape us, you won't.
Si on viole la quarantaine, on va en prison. Si nous femmes, on nous viole, on n'y va pas.
Когда мы нарушаем карантин, нас отправляют в тюрьму, но если нас насилуют, никто не идёт в тюрьму.
Karantina kararlarına uymazsan hapse girebilirsin fakat bize (kadınlara) tecavüz edersen hapse girmezsin.
Se desrespeitam a quarentena, vão para a cadeia. Se nos violentam, não!
Photo Credit: Diana Martinez Llaser - Argentina
Great Share! Oh my goodness! amazing pictures dude. Thank you
I love these places