Crash Landing On You: A Wonderful Korean Soap Opera
CRASH LANDING ON YOU: A WONDERFUL KOREAN SOAP OPERA By P. Scordia & A.-S. Vandamme A WhatsApp message pops up on both our mobile screens. Mutual friends from London recommend we watch […]
House of Flowers: a Mexican soap opera satire
Experience the wit of Mexican soap opera satire through La Casa de las Flores, a bold and humorous take on culture and society.
Uma paixão anglo-brasileira
Muita gente tem a ideia preconcebida de que Londres é uma cidade cinza, chuvosa e habitada por gente fria e indiferente.
The Anglo-Brazilian Affair
Find out how Canal Londres TV emerged to reflect the vibrant Brazilian community in the heart of London.
Caz Stuart – a feminist filmmaker
“Explore the life of Caz Stuart in this revealing interview about her challenges in making impactful documentaries.