AUTHOR Beverly Andrews
Medicine’s Dubious History
The opera Giant, written for five voices and through the use of 18th century instruments tells this haunting story beautifully. There are moments at which you feel you are watching a bewitching heart-breaking fairy tale where the wicked witch is simply medical science.
Her journey in Paris was different, she came over as a performer but not as a super star like Josephine Baker. It was a quieter trip in a way. Bricktop sang and became a friend to big white stars.
Death of Icon | Tina Turner
Perhaps Tina Turner’s greatest achievement was being an inspiration to women around the world in abusive relationships. Through her example, they could see that it was possible to leave an abusive partner and rebuild their lives.
L‘essor fulgurant de la Corée célébré à Londres
La culture sud-coréenne est passée d’une pâle imitation de ses voisins à une culture dominante à travers le monde.
Joséphine Baker racontée par Bricktop
Joséphine sentait qu’à Paris elle avait trouvé une fenêtre par laquelle elle pouvait échapper à tous les abaissements racistes subis aux États-Unis.
Queerness from London to Seoul
In the current toxic and homophobic climate in many countries, the UK’s glorious Flare film festival makes a welcome return. Two films stand out.
SXSW 2023
This year’s SXSW festival was a welcome alternative portrait of the American south; possibly reminding us of the fact that there isn’t just one American south, but several…
A Celebration of Spanish and Hispanic Art
The exhibition at London’s Royal Academy of Arts highlights the fact that Spain and Latin America have produced some of the greatest artists in history.