TAG society
Effective Ways to Cope with Anxiety and Strengthen Emotional Well-Being
In an era where stress and anxiety are prevalent, finding effective strategies to manage these challenges is crucial. Embracing holistic approaches can offer profound benefits for mental health, providing tools to foster resilience and well-being.
Shtisel: an Israeli drama series like no other
As the series develops, many taboos within this community are faced head on: adultery, abortion, mental health, inbreeding and even racism towards Jews from a different background.
An interesting aspect of the Ethos series is its neutral tone. There is no judgement, no condemnation, no censorship. The film director doesn’t take sides. The images are somewhat crude. Nudity is not taboo. The viewer is left to observe, totally free to draw his or her own conclusions.
The Phusiris women: Bolivian musicians challenging social mores
All over the world, women are fighting for their rights and their voices are starting to be heard. Without recourse to academic or political speeches, PHUSIRIS women, with dignity and enthusiasm, have made music a space of freedom in which to preserve, develop and spread their culture.
Who is playing with our minds?
While genes may play a role in influencing vulnerability to trauma, there is much stronger evidence that experiences and environment have a significant impact on mental health.
Marco Bellocchio
Marco Bellocchio’s work is both deeply personal as well as being that of a social commentator, documenting the many social and political changes which have taken place in Italy over the years. There are few film directors whose canon of work is as diverse as Bellocchio’s and few whose work so late in their careers is as urgent and vital as ever.
Leave No Trace
The genesis of the film is a true life case of a father and daughter who lived in Portland, Oregon who were discovered to have been living for four years in the nature reserve which borders the city’s downtown area.
By Patricia Ventura Ignoring someone by giving priority to our mobile phones hurts relationships; we have all been there either as a victim or a perpetrator. When we stare at our phones […]