Category: CINEMA
Un film de cinq heures et demie restauré par les Britanniques… L’intérêt que portent ces derniers à Napoléon Bonaparte qui, rappelons-le, faillit ruiner l’Angleterre par le blocus économique continental est pour le moins surprenant. L’ennemi, le dictateur, l’envahisseur devient un héros, un politique modéré refusant la terreur et la répression brutale en Vendée, un libéral précurseur de l’unité européenne.
The Restoration of Napoleon: A sixty year cinematic detective story
You’d be forgiven for thinking that film restoration involves handing over celluloid reels to labs and waiting for them to put them together again, but at a recent talk at the National Film Theatre in London, what Brownlow describes as restoration sounds a lot like cinematic detective work.
A Day For Women
“A Day for Women” from Egypt and Saudi Arabia’s feature film “Barakah Meets Barakah” are both refreshing and enchanting with startlingly original perspectives of a world we think we know but one which in reality we don’t really know at all. Both films go a long way in challenging our entrenched prejudices.
Adieu à Ronit Elkabetz
“Et pourtant de cette beauté altière et sensuelle, tu te défaisais à l’écran, réussissant la gageure du Vrai, et ta nature libre s’engageait totalement dans des combats que tu mettais au service du féminisme et de l’art.”
A Lagos State of Mind…
“Now let me tell you about Nigerian audiences…they talk and text and take calls and make calls during the film, they heckle the actors and if there is a song they know, they sing along.”
Amelie: a self-absorbed woman?
At first glance, nobody would ever consider Amélie to be selfish, believing instead that she is selfless. However, behind her sweet smile and seemingly charming nature, there is a narcissistic motive behind her actions. Indeed, she is completely oblivious and unconcerned with the fate of the other char