Category: SPORT
Cultivate confidence
The key principle where health and body image are concerned seems to be straightforward on the surface. Let’s say that you happen to be a busy man or women and over the course of a year you gain a few kilos in weight. As a result you start to lose confidence in your body image and in yourself. It might not affect your work and your relationships, but at some level this lack of confidence starts to drag you down.
“What I have also found over the years is that what links the people who have got the most out of the training I have provided -no matter their age or state of fitness when they start their exercise programme- is the level of motivation and the focus that they are willing to apply to make their workouts a success.”
Sex, Men & Exercise
“Excessive exercise can affect the luteinising hormone responses, which normally stimulates the testes to make testosterone every morning and during sex… the longer this suppression carries on, the lower the chance of recovery.” Professor Geoffrey Hackett.
The Afghan Athletes & the Ski slope Champion
By Simon Urwin The veins in his arms are as thick as mooring rope, his inflated bulk pumped with more artificial protein than a flock of factory chickens. Somehow he has […]
What’s the deal with Bigorexia?
Bigorexia a condition which is now apparently affecting many young men, as well as teenage boys. Now, bigorexia sounds similar to anorexia nervosa.
Football & Qatar vus de la Caraïbe
Auteur : Didier Levreau (avec nos remerciements à l’auteur et à PerspekTives) La coupe du monde de football au Qatar en 2022 devrait faire réfléchir chacun d’entre nous, mais particulièrement les amateurs […]
Support your back by training well
Throughout our life journey our back is as important as that of our heart or our brain in enabling us to act responsibility, fulfil our obligations and to make the right decisions when we need to. When we exercise, taking care of our back, and warming it up properly before putting pressure on it, is crucial to maintaining our long-term health and fitness.
Gym: Good for the muscles, not for the head?
Julien Bertherat, a 35-year-old former rugby player from Clermont-Ferrand, France, with a university degree/Master in Public Law, is today a personal trainer at one of the most well-known sports clubs in the capital, Jubilee Hall Gym at Covent Garden, in the heart of London. The building, incidentally, is a National Heritage site and was inaugurated by Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II.