ARCHIVE January2020
Le plus difficile est de dépasser les idées que nous portons et qui impliquent des modèles socialement préétablis du corps, celui qui peut ou non danser, les idées traditionnelles du corps «idéal» du danseur, et donc en âge de commencer à danser, d’étudier et pourquoi pas, de recommencer.
Le junk food : l’autre poison des Antilles françaises
Société | Les Antilles françaises vivent avec le chlordécone, mais ce qui menace le plus la population, c’est le junk food (la malbouffe).
Failures and Successes of the Ukrainian Revolution
Delve into Historical Memory Laws in Ukraine and their controversial stance on Soviet and Nazi history as a new norm.
The Eurovision: a diplomatic row
Discover how Eurovision highlighted the issues faced by Ukraine and the Crimean Tatars in the wake of Jamala’s impactful win.
Elections and War in Donbas | Welcome to Absurdland!
Learn about The Republic of Donetsk and its significance in shaping the political landscape of Ukraine during tumultuous times.
Russian roulette in Ukrainian sky | Flight MH17
Delve into the destruction of the Boeing 777 and the political repercussions that followed this significant event in Ukraine.
Petro Poroshenko: the Providential man?
Uncover the story of Poroshenko, the businessman turned leader, tasked with modernising Ukraine post-revolution.
Odessa, the Pearl of the Black Sea at stake
nvestigate The Ukrainian Revolution and Odessa, focusing on the tragic events and the underlying motivations of the key players.