Category: HISTORY
Showing the Unimaginable
How should filmmakers depict crimes against humanity? An important question particularly for those filmmakers who decide to make films about the Holocaust.
Medicine’s Dubious History
The opera Giant, written for five voices and through the use of 18th century instruments tells this haunting story beautifully. There are moments at which you feel you are watching a bewitching heart-breaking fairy tale where the wicked witch is simply medical science.
From a Swiss farm to a palace in Constantinople: the extraordinary life of Elisabeth Tschumi.
Months passed, walks and outings followed one after another and then came the day when Ahmet Tevfik asked Elisabeth Tschumi for her hand. She happily accepted the marriage proposal, however, aware of Muslim traditions, made him promise that she would remain his one and only wife. Ahmet Tevfik agreed, but he too had a request.
Failures and Successes of the Ukrainian Revolution
Delve into Historical Memory Laws in Ukraine and their controversial stance on Soviet and Nazi history as a new norm.
The Eurovision: a diplomatic row
Discover how Eurovision highlighted the issues faced by Ukraine and the Crimean Tatars in the wake of Jamala’s impactful win.
Elections and War in Donbas | Welcome to Absurdland!
Learn about The Republic of Donetsk and its significance in shaping the political landscape of Ukraine during tumultuous times.
Russian roulette in Ukrainian sky | Flight MH17
Delve into the destruction of the Boeing 777 and the political repercussions that followed this significant event in Ukraine.
Petro Poroshenko: the Providential man?
Uncover the story of Poroshenko, the businessman turned leader, tasked with modernising Ukraine post-revolution.