TAG Crimea
Media Coverage of the Ukrainian ‘crisis’ in Britain and France from 2014 to 2017
The Ukrainian Revolution followed by Russian aggression was in part analyzed in the French and British press with some scepticism, although the great majority of newspapers and the governments of these two countries firmly condemned the annexation of Crimea by Russia as well as Russian military support for the Donbas rebels.
The Eurovision: a diplomatic row
Chapter 10. The Eurovision: a diplomatic row Author : Pierre Scordia The Economist Coverage in Britain Jamala’s victory at the Eurovision with her song “1944” kick-starts the media to take an […]
The annexation of Crimea – media coverage in Britain and France
4. The annexation of Crimea | Media coverage in Britain and France Author: Pierre Scordia Fears expressed by the British magazine The Economist regarding the fate of Crimea proved to be correct, […]
Odessa, Ukrainian Hedoism… and Russia’s failure
Once downtown, my first impression is that Odessa has regained a certain pre-war joie de vivre, the one of the early 2000s. European, Turkish, Georgian, Israeli and even Belarusian tourists are already present in large numbers even this early in the season. The cafes and restaurants are full and the Ukrainian flag, blue and yellow, floats peacefully everywhere. There are no longer soldiers on the streets, roadblocks or pro-Russian graffiti. The s
Desde el año 2012, Moscú busca intensamente convertirse en el centro de un nuevo eje euroasiático. Para dicho objetivo, es imprescindible incorporar a su bloque, a Kazajstán en Asia y a Ucrania en Europa. Pero desafortunadamente para los rusos, Kiev no prevé su futuro de esa manera.
Odesa: El nuevo punto neurálgico de Ucrania
Odesa, la ciudad costera mas grande a orillas del Mar Negro, ha sido por mucho tiempo, una zona de tránsito de importaciones y sobre todo de exportaciones de cereales, fertilizantes y metales, vitales para la economía del país.