TAG film review
Stories from The Front Line
Three films in the Human Rights Watch Film Festival 2019 particularly stand out: Facing the Dragon from Afghanistan, Saf from Turkey, and Everything Must Fall (South Africa). They illustrate the importance of recording stories of resistance in an era marked by the rise of authoritarian regimes.
Leave No Trace
The genesis of the film is a true life case of a father and daughter who lived in Portland, Oregon who were discovered to have been living for four years in the nature reserve which borders the city’s downtown area.
Made in Italy 2018
Made in Italy | 2018 By Beverly Andrews Italian cinema is celebrated for the reverence it often shows its female actors, but this year’s Made in Italy film festival in London shows […]
Amelie: a self-absorbed woman?
At first glance, nobody would ever consider Amélie to be selfish, believing instead that she is selfless. However, behind her sweet smile and seemingly charming nature, there is a narcissistic motive behind her actions.