TAG politics
Articles in English
Angela Merkel is generally perceived as an exceptional leader. If one looks more deeply into her leadership and politics, a different picture emerges.
“El Reino” or The Future Reign of the Evangelists
El Reino (The Realm), the new Argentinian political thriller series, is gripping, sordid and wonderfully acted.
Marco Bellocchio
Marco Bellocchio’s work is both deeply personal as well as being that of a social commentator, documenting the many social and political changes which have taken place in Italy over the years. There are few film directors whose canon of work is as diverse as Bellocchio’s and few whose work so late in their careers is as urgent and vital as ever.
Catalonia and other identities in our common home
Delve into the fascinating dynamics of Catalonia and Spain, understanding their historical and cultural ties beyond simple divisions.
The cardinal regions and the farce of the Pays-de-la-Loire
When you look at a modern map of France, you may spot an anomaly in the shape of the regions, and one in particular: the Pays-de-la-Loire, a puppet region created by the French state during the second half of the twentieth century for the sole purpose of weakening Brittany, its neighbouring region with a very strong regional identity.
From Kennedy to Hillary: the end of the myth of the American dream
Democracy seems a sham when you read two books, one by Hillary Rodman Clinton, What Happened, and the other one by Marc Dugain, Ils vont tuer Robert Kennedy (They are going to kill Robert Kennedy). These two works put into perspective the true nature of American democracy, which is governed by invisible forces.
Guadeloupe: a French island somewhere between paradise and desperation
As soon as you leave the airport, you might be excused for thinking you are in metropolitan France: the cars have French number plates, the European flag above the F. The architecture of the terminal and other buildings are typically Gallic, as if all materials had been directly imported from France.