ARCHIVE November2022
The Korean Wave illustrates the cultural impact South Korean is having on all our lives. Given everything the country has been through, invasion, occupation, division and a military dictatorship, you cannot begrudge them their current cultural dominance.
Stranger at the Gate
In our increasingly polarised world, there are few stories, which bridge the gap between our ever more fragmented communities. And yet, Stranger at the Gate does just that.
¿Reflejan la realidad nacional París y Londres?
Sin duda ninguna, son París y Londres grandes metrópolis europeas que fascinan al resto del planeta por su arquitectura, su cultura, su dinamismo y su alto nivel de sofisticación.
Olympe de Gouges: feminista y antiesclavista
Revolucionaria y feminista francesa, guillotinada en París, a los 45 años. Publicó una declaración de los derechos de la mujer y de la ciudadana en 1792 y luchó por la igualdad de los derechos cívicos y políticos con los hombres.
Toronto International Film Festival
There are many film festivals around the world, Cannes, Venice and of course Sundance in the States, to name just a few, and yet there are none as important to a film’s commercial future as the Toronto International Film Festival.