ARCHIVE June2023
Medicine’s Dubious History
The opera Giant, written for five voices and through the use of 18th century instruments tells this haunting story beautifully. There are moments at which you feel you are watching a bewitching heart-breaking fairy tale where the wicked witch is simply medical science.
Gift or Burden | The French Refugee Food Festival
Every year, On June 20th, restaurants throughout France open their kitchens to migrant chefs, allowing customers to sample dishes from countries whose cuisine they may not normally taste.
En la mesa de los tiranos, un placer literario
Esta obra describe a los diferentes tiranos bajo una luz tragicómica sin desnaturalizar su lado siniestro.
SUBLET: Una película que desafía a los cincuentones
Para tomar el pulso de la capital cultural y económica de Israel, un escritor americano, de postura algo hastiada, alquila el piso de un joven y guapo realizador en un barrio popular de la ciudad. Allí, separa a los dos hombres una brecha generacional…
Jonathan was utterly enchanted by the city: its vertiginous architecture, its hectic energy, its extroverted people with their mental alertness and inexhaustible greed. He had a deep conviction that his life would take a decisive turn right here.
Her journey in Paris was different, she came over as a performer but not as a super star like Josephine Baker. It was a quieter trip in a way. Bricktop sang and became a friend to big white stars.