TAG play
Women who Blow on Knots
In Women who Blow on Knots you are immediately drawn into women’s lives. The characters include Amira, a Tunisian dancer and blogger who turns the tables on a person she feels belittled by, Maryam, a melancholy Egyptian academic obsessed with Dido, Queen of Carthage, who was present at the protests in Tahir Square, and standing in for Temelkuran herself, a young female Turkish journalist living in exile.
Othello through a Different Lens
Dyer has created a production of Othello, which is both fresh and vital. A production which acts as a mirror for our confused time.
The play, adapted by Lolita Chakrabarti, engagingly tackles the themes of religion, faith and truth, making us question the value of reality and facts.
Oklahoma became the home for the largest number of African American frontier towns post the country’s Civil War. Those towns included Tulsa, which saw the expansion of one of the country’s most prosperous African American communities post World War I.
The Age of Rage
“This house thrives only in anger that leaves no time for repentance. Those who have been banished for their crimes return to commit a new one.”
A play about the publishing of James Joyce’s Ulysses which examines the relationships between James Joyce, Sylvia Beach, Adrienne Monnier and Nora Joyce.
Circles | Michael’s Story
The play is a touching love story between two, very different, men. Michael, a sweet innocent from the South and Rob, a brash New Yorker. The characters are brilliantly played by Greg Miller Burns and Oliver Hamilton which is reflected in the fact that you care what happens to them almost instantly.
‘Jakinta’ by Bettina Gracias – A cheery monologue
Laugh along with the video cheery monologue by Jakinta, designed to uplift spirits during these uncertain times.