TAG war
Once Claire received the package, that light finally went out, that package acted as the final cut in the tree, which seemed to destroy her.
I left my tears in Kyiv
It’s not just about our pain. It’s not just about Ukraine. It’s about our civilisation. It’s about our values. It’s about humanity
The Story of the War (and the War of the Story)
In his invasion of Ukraine, Putin has created a hero of Zelensky, and thus a key ingredient of the narrative.
Elections and War in Donbas | Welcome to Absurdland!
Learn about The Republic of Donetsk and its significance in shaping the political landscape of Ukraine during tumultuous times.
The Unreturning
The Unreturning chronicles the stories of three returning soldiers, all with profound emotional scars. All three stories illustrate the horror of conflict and our inability to escape its consequences. All show the human cost of each new conflict.
Syria – Told From the Inside
With Syria’s partial truce still holding and Russia’s recent, surprise announcement of its intention to withdraw the majority of its troops from the country, it is perhaps an appropriate time to look back at a conflict which has lasted over five years and has had devastating consequences. Costing the lives of a quarter of a million people, while displacing millions more.