ARCHIVE August2017
From Venezuela to Australia – an artistic renaissance for Jorge González
AN ARTISTIC RENAISSANCE FOR JORGE GONZÁLEZ Jorge González is a Venezuelan currently living in Adelaide, Australia, working on his career as a visual artist, trying to empower his forgotten talents after many […]
Guadeloupe: a French island somewhere between paradise and desperation
Guadeloupe: a French island somewhere between paradise and desperation Author: Pierre Scordia Arriving at Point-à-Pitre airport, Pôle Caraïbe, we are somewhat surprised, even slightly disturbed by the signs indicating which […]
Cultivate confidence
The key principle where health and body image are concerned seems to be straightforward on the surface. Let’s say that you happen to be a busy man or women and over the course of a year you gain a few kilos in weight. As a result you start to lose confidence in your body image and in yourself. It might not affect your work and your relationships, but at some level this lack of confidence starts to drag you down.
Les journaux eurosceptiques se sont attardés longuement sur la présence des groupuscules et des nationalistes de l’ouest de l’Ukraine sur la place Maidan.
La politique de Vladimir Poutine s’est révélée fructueuse à court terme car elle a sapé le moral des Ukrainiens mais elle reste désastreuse à long terme pour les relations entre les deux pays car elle a déclenché un sentiment russophobe auprès des Ukrainiens russophones. L’agression militaire russe a entraîné non seulement la fin des échanges culturels et touristiques entre la Russie et Odessa mais aussi le déclin des investissements économiques russes.
Multinationales et organisations mafieuses pillent le fond de nos océans pour répondre à la folie des grandeurs des monarchies du Golfe devenues insatiables, il faut tant de béton armé pour bâtir des gratte-ciel sans âme et des îlots pour des milliardaires fantômes.
London’s Shubbak Festival
By Beverly Andrews With ongoing conflicts in the Middle East, the main focus of most of our news coverage on the region, it comes as a welcome surprise to see an alternative […]
Odessa, Ukrainian Hedoism… and Russia’s failure
Once downtown, my first impression is that Odessa has regained a certain pre-war joie de vivre, the one of the early 2000s. European, Turkish, Georgian, Israeli and even Belarusian tourists are already present in large numbers even this early in the season. The cafes and restaurants are full and the Ukrainian flag, blue and yellow, floats peacefully everywhere. There are no longer soldiers on the streets, roadblocks or pro-Russian graffiti. The s