Category: SOCIETY
Getting Noticed: Practical Tips for Creatives to Build Their Audience
In the ever-evolving landscape of creative professions, standing out requires more than just talent. By enhancing your visibility and credibility, you can pave the way for a successful career.
The Barbie Exhibition
Barbie is actually much more diverse than simply the perfect American blond, with a tiny waist, endless legs tipped with high-heels and a swinging pony-tail.
In the now notorious Oprah Winfrey interview with the Duke and Duchess of Sussex we saw an image of a highly fractured royal family. It was indeed eerie to see how the tale they told bore uncanny similarities to the one we had just been watching; a dysfunctional family with the added ingredient of charges of racism.
Generation Hope
By Beverly Andrews As we continue to mark the centenary of World War I, we see worrying shadows of the past; a suspected politically motivated assassination attempt, the possible launching of a […]
By Patricia Ventura Ignoring someone by giving priority to our mobile phones hurts relationships; we have all been there either as a victim or a perpetrator. When we stare at our phones […]
What has happened to us?
`Author: Patricia Ventura What has happened to a world in which children get muddy, get dirty, get messy and, heaven forbid, get bored? Do we really have to “love” our children so […]
The Royal Blood Women
Too often, a woman in the world is murdered, raped, injured, sold. Their blood must not be poured out; the only blood a woman has to give is the menstrual period.
London’s Shubbak Festival
The first festival took place in June 2011 and on that occasion was opened by the Mayor of London. It was originally conceived in 2010, as a one-off platform to show the riches of contemporary Arab culture and to highlight London as a globally connected city.