TAG Covid19
18 months after having made a priority refund request for flight cancellations, I am still waiting to be refunded by Lastminute.com / Kiwi.com
Covid 19: La pensée de Spinoza face à la défiance antillaise
Évoquer la pensée de Baruch Spinoza, philosophe néerlandais d’origine juif séfarade né en 1677 à La Haye pour écrire, au XXIe siècle, sur une pandémie qui n’en finit pas et sur le comportement de « nos frères humains », peut sembler inapproprié, et pourtant !
Finding Love During the Time of Covid
Acclaimed playwright Bettina Gracias’ lovely award winning short film, ‘Jakinta’, highlights the issue of finding love during the time of covid.
When the world changes…
I was fortunate enough to have spent the lockdown in a beautiful Caribbean island, relatively spared by the pandemic. In the Lesser Antilles we had a lockdown but it wasn’t as strict […]
Around the Globe in Eighty Days
By Pierre Scordia Countries around the world are now emerging from their Covid19 lockdowns. The arts have been one of many sectors hit hard. In the United Kingdom, where theatres remain […]
Moi, Angelina, 18 ans, lycéenne & caissière
“En tant que caissière et étudiante, je souhaite m’adresser à toutes les personnes paniquées qui sont allées aller faire des courses et des réserves afin de ne rien manquer.”