ARCHIVE November2020
Blan: Blanc en quête de créolité aux Antilles
BLAN (1): l’autobiographie graphique d’un blanc en territoire noir ou … le «créole du futur»! Auteur: Didier Levreau Directeur de la revue C’est l’histoire d’un jeune homme d’une trentaine d’année qui […]
Diogène en banlieue | Effondrement
Le lycée menaçait ruine depuis quelque temps déjà. Les peintures s’écaillaient, il n’était pas rare de voir se détacher des murs auréolés d’humidité de vastes plaques de plâtres. Les professeurs avaient multiplié en vain les rapports alarmants à l’intention du rectorat.
The Phusiris women: Bolivian musicians challenging social mores
All over the world, women are fighting for their rights and their voices are starting to be heard. Without recourse to academic or political speeches, PHUSIRIS women, with dignity and enthusiasm, have made music a space of freedom in which to preserve, develop and spread their culture.
PARTITION VOICES By Beverly Andrews Almost all countries throughout the world have experienced at least one defining historical moment which in many ways defines generations to come. For those which have […]
Emily in Paris – French Cultural Exception as seen through American eyes
Emily in Paris is the new series trending on Netflix, written and directed by none other than Darren Star, author of Sex and the City. It’s a light and entertaining TV series to watch before bedtime; I guarantee it won’t give you nightmares!
Frederick Bruce Thomas: Sıradışı bir kararkterin kaderi
Oradan oraya sürüklenen Frederick Thomas’ın kaderi Moskova’da değişir. Rus vatandaşlığı alır, 3 kez evlenir ve 5 çocuk sahibi olur. Odessa’da bir daça[2] alır ve Moskova’da mülklere sahip olur. Mississippili, Afrikalı-Amerikan bir göçmen, bir kölenin oğlu Rusya’da bir servet yapmıştır.
Circles | Michael’s Story
The play is a touching love story between two, very different, men. Michael, a sweet innocent from the South and Rob, a brash New Yorker. The characters are brilliantly played by Greg Miller Burns and Oliver Hamilton which is reflected in the fact that you care what happens to them almost instantly.
Art guadeloupéen léger et frugal pour un futur résilient
Auteur: Didier Levreau Directeur de la revue PerspekTives ” Du chaos à l’excellence” tel est le thème d’une résidence d’artistes qui s’est déroulée au mois d’octobre à St-Rose en Guadeloupe dans […]