ARCHIVE January2020
The annexation of Crimea – media coverage in Britain and France
Understand the geopolitical implications of Crimea’s annexation and the western media’s response to the situation.
The February Revolution of 2014
BRTISH AND FRENCH MEDIA COVERAGE OF THE UKRAINIAN CRISIS THE ECONOMIST’S VIEW Author: Pierre Scordia 2. The beginning of the political crisis 3. The February Revolution of 2014 The Economist magazine was […]
Chronicle of a Revolution: Ukraine 2013-2017
Explore the complexities of the Ukrainian revolution and how it was portrayed in French and British media amid Russian aggression.
Les alévis & leur philosophie
L’alévisme est un nom générique qui englobe plusieurs courants religieux dont la racine commune est l’islam chiite qu’ils ont progressivement abandonné. Ils sont fort présents en Turquie, mais également en Iran, en Asie occidentale, au Proche-Orient et dans les Balkans.