AUTHOR Beverly Andrews
Sundance 2022
Sundance 2022 | Our selection: The Exiles, A Different Kind of Love, Marte Um, Descendant, The Panola Project.
BFI London Film Festival 2021
BFI London Film Festival focuses not just on industry insiders, but also those who genuinely love cinema.
Korea’s Musical Moment
London once again plays host to the annual K music festival. It is a festival which presents some of the most innovative musicians playing anywhere in the world today.
Shubbak 2021 – A Journey Through the Arab World
The Shubbak Festival in London, a biannual arts festival which highlights the work of artists from throughout the region seeks to challenge misconception aobut the Middle East.
The Last Film Show: The successful passion of a child
How do you recreate the joy of seeing your very first film? Film director Pan Nalin from India, manages to do just this in his masterful feature, The Last Film, premiering at this year’s Tribeca film festival. Nalin’s film is both a stunning love letter to cinema as well as an insightful portrait of a life moulded by a single childhood event, that child’s first visit to a movie theatre.
Zanele Muholi et le long combat d’une nation arc-en-ciel
Ces photos témoin de la violence homophobe et celles illustrant la résilience des homosexuelles sont accolées ; on découvre de beaux portraits de couples lesbiens dans leur espace privé, ou dans un abri qui leur offre une intimité. Ces photographies visent à défier le regard patriarcal qui domine souvent les femmes et considère l’hétérosexualité comme la norme.
Black Queer Voices
Brave Beauties shot from 2014 onwards consist of a series of portraits of Trans women, gender non-conforming and non-binary. Many of the women photographed are also beauty pageant contestants. They enter these pageants in order to change the mind set of those present. Those who are often happy to persecute trans-women. So, these images challenge transphobic stereotypes and stigmas.
SXSW the World’s most unique festival
Ultimately the 2021 edition of SXSW festival was a roaring success and in many ways showcased the fact that this festival is a great opportunity to instigate cultural conversations across the boundaries of artistic disciplines.