Category: VIDEO
Maximizing the Benefits of Video Marketing in Your Strategy
Explore the power of video and marketing to engage your audience and enhance your business visibility. Get started today!
This Covid Life: Ash
“It is hard to believe that it was almost a year ago, April 2020, that I answered an advert on the BBC Writers Room page to send in a ‘dark’ ten minute script on life under Covid.”
Circles | Michael’s Story
The play is a touching love story between two, very different, men. Michael, a sweet innocent from the South and Rob, a brash New Yorker. The characters are brilliantly played by Greg Miller Burns and Oliver Hamilton which is reflected in the fact that you care what happens to them almost instantly.
‘Jakinta’ short zoom comedy
Join Jakinta as she prepares for her virtual date in ‘Jakinta’, a comedic look at Internet dating on zoom during lockdown.
An Acting Experiment
Delve into the variability in acting with the same monologue by various performers. Learn how interpretation shapes the message.
‘Jakinta’ by Bettina Gracias – A cheery monologue
Laugh along with the video cheery monologue by Jakinta, designed to uplift spirits during these uncertain times.
¡QUÉ LOCURA! EL RODAJE DE #theworldscraziestdancevideo
Durante esos minutos de rodaje, ellos tenían la impresión de estar bajo los focos, sentían que importaban, que el mundo exterior, del que algunos solo tienen una ligera comprensión, les miraba.
Le tournage de #theworldscraziestdancevideo, un projet dingue !
Pendant ces quelques minutes de tournage, ces désœuvrés avaient l’impression d’être sous les feux de la rampe, ils réalisaient qu’ils avaient vraiment de l’importance, que le monde extérieur dont beaucoup n’ont qu’une compréhension très sommaire les regardait.