TAG Eva Perón
The Populist Tango
How real Evita Perón’s desire was to truly change the lives of the poor, is still a subject for debate even today. Was it really about helping others or a desperate desire to escape the poverty which she was born into?
Inside the great hall of the State Historical Museum in Moscow, standing in front of a huge poster showing the image of Evita with words in Cyrillic “Ева Перон послом мира” (Eva Perón – ambassador of peace), she is ready for her speech. Dressed in black, with a large rose adorning her chest, somewhat unbalancing her outfit, the widow successfully makes herself the focus of attention. After some praise uttered by the Russian Minister of Culture, she finally begins to speak.
Dans le grand hall du musée d’histoire à Moscou, plantée devant la grande affiche montrant l’effigie d’Évita avec les mots en cyrillique «Ева Перон послом мира » (Eva Perón ambassadrice de la paix), elle est prête pour son discours. Vêtue de noire, une énorme rose accrochée à son buste, déséquilibrant quelque peu l’ensemble, la veuve attire encore plus l’attention. Après quelques louanges prononcées par le ministre russe de la culture, elle prend enfin la parole.