TAG Odesa
Soulmates | 1. Odesa
When Taras called out to her, Stella calmly turned around, listened to him and smiled. She wasn’t at all offended that he had been listening to her phone conversation. Quite the opposite, she liked his boldness and frankness.
Media Coverage of the Ukrainian ‘crisis’ in Britain and France from 2014 to 2017
The Ukrainian Revolution followed by Russian aggression was in part analyzed in the French and British press with some scepticism, although the great majority of newspapers and the governments of these two countries firmly condemned the annexation of Crimea by Russia as well as Russian military support for the Donbas rebels.
El hedonismo ucraniano en Odesa & el fracaso ruso
Autor: Pierre Scordia Después de dos años de ausencia, vuelvo a Odesa, la Perla del Mar Negro. En el avión, que parte de Varsovia, una joven rusa se sienta a mi lado. […]
Odesa: Ukrayna’nın Hedonizmi ve Rusya’nın Başarısızlığı
Yazar: Pierre Scordia Temmuz 2017’de, iki yıl aradan sonra Karadeniz’in incisi Odesa’ya döndüm. Varşova’dan kalkan uçakta yanımda bir Rus kadın oturuyordu. Büyükbabasının cenazesine katılmak için Bessarabia’ya gidiyormuş. Rusya ve Ukrayna arasındaki direk […]