TAG Russia
Russian roulette in Ukrainian sky | Flight MH17
Delve into the destruction of the Boeing 777 and the political repercussions that followed this significant event in Ukraine.
Odessa, the Pearl of the Black Sea at stake
nvestigate The Ukrainian Revolution and Odessa, focusing on the tragic events and the underlying motivations of the key players.
The annexation of Crimea – media coverage in Britain and France
Understand the geopolitical implications of Crimea’s annexation and the western media’s response to the situation.
The February Revolution of 2014
BRTISH AND FRENCH MEDIA COVERAGE OF THE UKRAINIAN CRISIS THE ECONOMIST’S VIEW Author: Pierre Scordia 2. The beginning of the political crisis 3. The February Revolution of 2014 The Economist magazine was […]
Frederick Bruce Thomas: an extraordinary character’s tribulations
Frederick Thomas blossomed in Moscow. He obtained Russian citizenship, was married three times and had five children. Around 1914, he bought a dacha near Odessa and he also owned buildings in Moscow. Now it was clear for all to see: the African-American immigrant from Mississippi, the son of slaves, had made a fortune in Russia.
Odessa, Ukrainian Hedoism… and Russia’s failure
Once downtown, my first impression is that Odessa has regained a certain pre-war joie de vivre, the one of the early 2000s. European, Turkish, Georgian, Israeli and even Belarusian tourists are already present in large numbers even this early in the season. The cafes and restaurants are full and the Ukrainian flag, blue and yellow, floats peacefully everywhere. There are no longer soldiers on the streets, roadblocks or pro-Russian graffiti. The s
Inside the great hall of the State Historical Museum in Moscow, standing in front of a huge poster showing the image of Evita with words in Cyrillic “Ева Перон послом мира” (Eva Perón – ambassador of peace), she is ready for her speech. Dressed in black, with a large rose adorning her chest, somewhat unbalancing her outfit, the widow successfully makes herself the focus of attention. After some praise uttered by the Russian Minister of Culture, she finally begins to speak.
Ukraine: a country to sell off on the diplomatic market?
The Ukrainian revolution followed by a transition to liberal democracy could in the long run have signalled the end of the authoritarian and kleptomaniac regime of President Putin. He had to act and act fast!