TAG short story
Soulmates | 1. Odesa
When Taras called out to her, Stella calmly turned around, listened to him and smiled. She wasn’t at all offended that he had been listening to her phone conversation. Quite the opposite, she liked his boldness and frankness.
Once Claire received the package, that light finally went out, that package acted as the final cut in the tree, which seemed to destroy her.
Jonathan was utterly enchanted by the city: its vertiginous architecture, its hectic energy, its extroverted people with their mental alertness and inexhaustible greed. He had a deep conviction that his life would take a decisive turn right here.
L’insoutenable quête | Learn French
Le Petit Manu a vu le jour à Amboise sur les bords de la Loire, dans ce pays que de nombreux Français aiment appeler la « Douce France ». Son enfance a été heureuse et insouciante entre un père cheminot à la SNCF, la compagnie nationale de chemin de fer, et une mère inspectrice aux impôts, le service public le plus efficace du pays.