TAG Ukraine
Failures and Successes of the Ukrainian Revolution
Chronicle of a Revolution: Ukraine 2013-2014 Failures and Successes Author: Pierre Scordia Media Coverage in Britain and France The British press call them “decommunisation” laws. The French media were particularly interested […]
The Eurovision: a diplomatic row
Chapter 10. The Eurovision: a diplomatic row Author : Pierre Scordia The Economist Coverage in Britain Jamala’s victory at the Eurovision with her song “1944” kick-starts the media to take an […]
Elections and War in Donbas | Welcome to Absurdland!
Author: Pierre Scordia 8. Parliament elections & the power of Western regions 9. War in Donbas | Welcome to Absurdland! Media Coverage in Britain and France THE ECONOMIST’S VIEW For The […]
Russian roulette in Ukrainian sky | Flight MH17
The Chronicle of a Revolution: Ukraine 2013-2017 7. Russian roulette in Ukrainian sky | Flight MH17 Author: Pierre Scordia
Petro Poroshenko: the Providential man?
6. Petro Poroshenko: the Providential man? Author: Pierre Scordia The Economist’s coverage The Economist writes on 26th May 2014 that although the Revolution brought great pride, it did not bring new […]
Odessa, the Pearl of the Black Sea at stake
5. Odessa, the Pearl of the Black Sea at stake Author: Pierre Scordia Media Coverage in Britain and France In the clashes in Odessa that killed more than 40 people (most […]
The annexation of Crimea – media coverage in Britain and France
4. The annexation of Crimea | Media coverage in Britain and France Author: Pierre Scordia Fears expressed by the British magazine The Economist regarding the fate of Crimea proved to be correct, […]
The February Revolution of 2014
BRTISH AND FRENCH MEDIA COVERAGE OF THE UKRAINIAN CRISIS THE ECONOMIST’S VIEW Author: Pierre Scordia 2. The beginning of the political crisis 3. The February Revolution of 2014 The Economist magazine was […]