AUTHOR Elizabeth Ross
Le destin égocentrique d’Amélie Poulain
Le film vu d’Angleterre Autrice: Elizabeth Ross Amélie est le personnage principal dans le célèbre long métrage « le destin fabuleux d’Amélie Poulain » réalisé en 2001 par Jean-Pierre Jeunet. Amélie est […]
Amelie: a self-absorbed woman?
At first glance, nobody would ever consider Amélie to be selfish, believing instead that she is selfless. However, behind her sweet smile and seemingly charming nature, there is a narcissistic motive behind her actions.
Do unisex schools facilitate or hinder learning?
Unisex schools are very common in the UK (and US), unlike in the rest of Europe where they are almost non-existent. Many people seem to believe that single-sex schools are better academically but worse on a social level.