Category: HEALTH
Effective Ways to Cope with Anxiety and Strengthen Emotional Well-Being
In an era where stress and anxiety are prevalent, finding effective strategies to manage these challenges is crucial. Embracing holistic approaches can offer profound benefits for mental health, providing tools to foster resilience and well-being.
Christmas Spices
Christmas food includes herbs and spices in abundance but did you know that many culinary spices have therapeutic value too?
Who is playing with our minds?
While genes may play a role in influencing vulnerability to trauma, there is much stronger evidence that experiences and environment have a significant impact on mental health.
How to look after yourself in the Winter
For some reason, the naturopathic idea that raw is good seems to have taken off in the West. On the surface, it makes total sense. Raw is fresh and nutrient rich so that can only be good, right? Well yes and no.
Efficient exercise gets results
How much should I exercise during a typical workout session and how many times during the week should I workout? Here are Julian’s advice.
Cultivate confidence
The key principle where health and body image are concerned seems to be straightforward on the surface. Let’s say that you happen to be a busy man or women and over the course of a year you gain a few kilos in weight. As a result you start to lose confidence in your body image and in yourself. It might not affect your work and your relationships, but at some level this lack of confidence starts to drag you down.
“What I have also found over the years is that what links the people who have got the most out of the training I have provided -no matter their age or state of fitness when they start their exercise programme- is the level of motivation and the focus that they are willing to apply to make their workouts a success.”
Sex, Men & Exercise
“Excessive exercise can affect the luteinising hormone responses, which normally stimulates the testes to make testosterone every morning and during sex… the longer this suppression carries on, the lower the chance of recovery.” Professor Geoffrey Hackett.