The Age of Rage
“This house thrives only in anger that leaves no time for repentance. Those who have been banished for their crimes return to commit a new one.”
FLARE 2022
It is heart-warming to see the BFI Flare film festival return for its first in person festival in two years. A beautiful celebration of the lives of queer people from around the world.
Marianne Torok de Szendro, comtesse hongroise devenue vice-reine d’Égypte
Marianna Torok de Szendro, femme étonnement libre pour la Belle Époque. Née Comtesse, devenue Vice-reine d’Égypte puis journaliste.
Austin’s SXSW festival 2022
The festival which shows the gentler and more progressive side of Texas returns. SXSW, after a two-year hiatus, mounts its first in-person event and is bigger and better than ever before.
Interview With The Talented Turkish-Pomak Film director Zeynep Merve Uygun
The young, promising Turkish director Zeynep Merve Uygun, using animation, tells us stories from daily life, shining a fresh and unflinching light on sometimes uncomfortable subjects, with humour and complete honesty. In this interview, we discussed her films In-Out, Zigzag, The Secret and Kaykilma. We are looking forward to seeing more of her work.
L’histoire de la guerre et la guerre du récit
Zelensky, qui jusqu’à récemment n’était pas particulièrement populaire dans son propre pays, est devenu l’incarnation du courage politique, de quoi faire honte à nos dirigeants politiques.
Taras, el niño refugiado de Ucrania
Descubra la desgarradora realidad de los niños afectados por Guerra en Ucrania y el trauma duradero del conflicto.
I left my tears in Kyiv
It’s not just about our pain. It’s not just about Ukraine. It’s about our civilisation. It’s about our values. It’s about humanity