TAG films
Matteo Dugast, un réalisateur éclectique & prometteur
Matteo Dugast est un créateur passionné et engagé qui explore différents genres et formats cinématographiques. Son dernier long métrage “Les Comédiens” traite, comme son nom l’indique, sur le métier d’acteur.
Showing the Unimaginable
How should filmmakers depict crimes against humanity? An important question particularly for those filmmakers who decide to make films about the Holocaust.
A New Dawn for Italian Cinema in the UK
Launched in December, the CinemaItaliaUK player will make both Italian classics, as well as contemporary releases available to UK audiences.
Shiori Ito’s seven years long battle was not simply a fight against Japan’s outdated justice system but also a battle against an entire culture, which seeks to protect powerful men.
Scala!!! A Film Tribute to a Legendary Cinema
In the middle of a very dangerous district of London, the Scala somehow managed to carve out a reputation for being a home away from home for a whole generation of artists.
Articles in English
BFI London Film Festival 2023
The BFI London Film Festival is shining a light on world cinema. Many of the international gems which premier here go on to global success.
Homecoming, a Sami documentary at TIFF
Two great films were screened at this year’s Toronto International Film Festival: Homecoming (Máhccan) by Suvi West and Anssi Kömi and A Road to a Village directed by Nabin Subba. Taken together they present a unique perspective of little-known worlds.