TAG personal development
Everyday Magic to Fuel a Love of Learning
Children are naturally curious and eager to explore and understand the world around them. As parents, nurturing this innate love of learning can shape how they engage with knowledge throughout their lives. Creating an environment that celebrates curiosity, encourages questions, and models a passion for discovery builds a foundation for lifelong learning.
The Wellspring Within: Finding Your Creative Flow
The journey to rekindle your imagination and spark new ideas is personal and profound. This FORM-Idea guide explores multifaceted strategies to revitalize your creativity, ensuring you thrive in your endeavors.
By Patricia Ventura Ignoring someone by giving priority to our mobile phones hurts relationships; we have all been there either as a victim or a perpetrator. When we stare at our phones […]
What has happened to us?
`Author: Patricia Ventura What has happened to a world in which children get muddy, get dirty, get messy and, heaven forbid, get bored? Do we really have to “love” our children so […]
By Patricia Ventura We hear much about tolerance. All of us who deem ourselves “good people”, also presume ourselves to be tolerant. Scratch a little below the surface, however, and we may […]
All We Need is Awareness
By Patricia Ventura In our culture, many of us idealize love. We see it as some sort of cure – for all life’s problems. In our movies and stories and throughout […]
Love: a return to the hive
How easy it is to forget that the happiness of the past, the joy experienced came from one’s inner heart, which here we shall refer to as “hive”. In reality this happiness is always ours, as honey belongs to the hive. The choice to turn nectar into honey is our own decision.
Migrants – Messengers of Love and a Conduit for Light
By Tony J. SelimiAward-winning Author, Speaker, Human Behaviour & Cognitive Specialist, Leadership Coach, Business Success Consultant. Migrants – Messengers of Love and a Conduit for Light In this article I am going […]