AUTHOR Beverly Andrews
Dünyaya açılan pencere
Sanat ve Beşerî Filmler Araştırma Konseyi başkanı Andrew Thompson “Filmler uzak insanları, yerleri ve fikirleri aracı olmadan görsel olarak erişimimize sunuyorlar. Filmler görsel medya aracılığıyla bizi başka insanlar ve mekanlarla bağlıyor, özellikle yaşadığımız şu tuhaf günlerde bu her zamandan daha önemli.
Voices from the Rainbow
At a time where some battles appear to have been won while others are still to being fought, Flare is a welcome reminder of the journey the LBGTQ+ community have made in order to carve out a place in society they can now call their own.
Les révélations de Sundance 2021
Dans son histoire relativement jeune, Sundance a servi de rampe de lancement pour plusieurs films primés dont Call me by Your Name, Resevoir Dogs et Precious pour n’en nommer que quelques-uns ; la liste est longue. Il est un événement cinématographique à la fois important et original.
In the now notorious Oprah Winfrey interview with the Duke and Duchess of Sussex we saw an image of a highly fractured royal family. It was indeed eerie to see how the tale they told bore uncanny similarities to the one we had just been watching; a dysfunctional family with the added ingredient of charges of racism.
Sundance 2021
Established in many ways as a counter weight to the older festivals, Sundance Film Festival can be seen as the indie upstart, who has somehow managed to outdistance its older rivals.
Netflix’s wildly popular The Crown, a fictionalized account of this unique family who throughout the last century managed to avoid the fate of others, even those they were related to, such as Germany’s Kaiser and Russia’s Czar, and emerge intact. The fourth series though arrives at perhaps the Royal family’s most difficult moment.
While for India their defining moment would of course be partition, a division imposed on India and Pakistan by the retreating British government. One which ultimately cost the lives of an estimated two million people, while also leaving another ten to twelve million homeless. A partition which also resulted in another war, one in Bangladesh, when that country subsequently fought for its own independence.
A Window to the World
Andrew Thompson executive chair of the Arts and Humanity Research Council states “film has an ability to make distant people, places and ideas immediate, visually accessible.