TAG films
Roma n’est pas ici la cité éternelle mais le titre d’un film faisant référence à un quartier de Mexico, non loin du centre-ville historique. Il s’agit d’un film en noir et blanc qui nous touche par les images, les émotions et son contenu simple : des moments de la vie ordinaire d’une famille de la classe moyenne aisée et ceux de ses employées de maison dans les années 70.
Cinema Made in Italy – London 2019
This annual film festival highlights the work of many of the country’s ground-breaking filmmakers alongside showcasing gems from the archives produced by Italy’s cinematic giants.
Le tournage de #theworldscraziestdancevideo, un projet dingue !
Pendant ces quelques minutes de tournage, ces désœuvrés avaient l’impression d’être sous les feux de la rampe, ils réalisaient qu’ils avaient vraiment de l’importance, que le monde extérieur dont beaucoup n’ont qu’une compréhension très sommaire les regardait.
How crazy is that! Filming #theworldscraziestdancevideo
For those few minutes of filming they felt like they were in the spotlight, that they really mattered, that the world out there – about which many have only a very sketchy understanding – was looking at them.
Made in Italy 2018
Made in Italy | 2018 By Beverly Andrews Italian cinema is celebrated for the reverence it often shows its female actors, but this year’s Made in Italy film festival in London shows […]
Get Out est un chef d’œuvre cinématographique où des personnages polis, réfléchis, courtois et intellectuels deviennent au fur et à mesure du film de véritables monstres. L’histoire sordide touche le sujet délicat des relations entre Blancs et Noirs dans une Amérique en mutation mais toujours divisée.
Cinema: Dunkirk, Churchill and the Brexiteers
One year after the shock of Brexit, two of Britain’s best known filmmakers, Christopher Nolan and Joe Wright, released two films about one of the most tragic episodes in British history: the evacuation of the British army from Dunkirk. Could there have been a desire on the part of the two directors to convey a message about the Brexit fiasco by alluding to British resilience at a time when the country is swimming against the European tide?
Caz Stuart – a feminist filmmaker
“Reconstructing murders posed its own challenges too – not being too graphic whilst trying to make the scenes realistic. Challenging too was securing an interview in an American prison with a murderess – I had very limited time with her and knew that I had to get all the answers in one, one hour session.” Caz Stuart, film director.