TAG gym
Effective is better than popular
Explore the connection between personal training and mindset influenced by coaching techniques in rugby. Insights await.
De nombreux débats ont eu lieu récemment sur ce qu’on appelle la « bigorexie », nouveau terme à la mode dans les médias, il désigne la dysmorphie musculaire : une perception déformée dans l’esprit de certains hommes du fait qu’ils manquent de muscles ou de force physique. C’est une maladie qui semble toucher de nombreux jeunes hommes et adolescents.
Reject obsession: Obsession does not lead to success
The first mistake not to make when training is to attempt to train more than these professional athletes do, especially if you cannot also build-in a dedicated recovery regime.
Efficient exercise gets results
Discover the perfect balance of time and workout for your fitness goals. Learn how to structure your weekly exercise routine.
“What I have also found over the years is that what links the people who have got the most out of the training I have provided -no matter their age or state of fitness when they start their exercise programme- is the level of motivation and the focus that they are willing to apply to make their workouts a success.”
Sex, Men & Exercise
“Excessive exercise can affect the luteinising hormone responses, which normally stimulates the testes to make testosterone every morning and during sex… the longer this suppression carries on, the lower the chance of recovery.” Professor Geoffrey Hackett.
What’s the deal with Bigorexia?
Bigorexia a condition which is now apparently affecting many young men, as well as teenage boys. Now, bigorexia sounds similar to anorexia nervosa.
Support your back by training well
Throughout our life journey our back is as important as that of our heart or our brain in enabling us to act responsibility, fulfil our obligations and to make the right decisions when we need to. When we exercise, taking care of our back, and warming it up properly before putting pressure on it, is crucial to maintaining our long-term health and fitness.