Category: HEALTH
Sex, Men & Exercise
“Excessive exercise can affect the luteinising hormone responses, which normally stimulates the testes to make testosterone every morning and during sex… the longer this suppression carries on, the lower the chance of recovery.” Professor Geoffrey Hackett.
Balancing food & exercise
It can be tempting, as a gym member, to believe that it is possible to work off the effects of what we eat once we get through the gym doors. But the relationship between diet and exercise is not so conveniently balanced.
A Touch of Shiatsu – An Oriental Approach to Bodywork and Well-being
Shiatsu is a Japanese bodywork, based on the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine. It is performed through loose clothing at ground level, on a mat or futon.
What’s the deal with Bigorexia?
Bigorexia a condition which is now apparently affecting many young men, as well as teenage boys. Now, bigorexia sounds similar to anorexia nervosa.
Integrative Therapy with Patricia Ventura
“My intention in sharing information about healing is to offer readers a different perspective on health. Most of the time my focus is on why people are not healing, because there are so many layers around it, and also most of us are as afraid of healing as much as of illness.” Patricia Ventura.
Support your back by training well
Throughout our life journey our back is as important as that of our heart or our brain in enabling us to act responsibility, fulfil our obligations and to make the right decisions when we need to. When we exercise, taking care of our back, and warming it up properly before putting pressure on it, is crucial to maintaining our long-term health and fitness.
Habits…the good, the bad and the ugly
There’s a lot of wisdom in the old adage “Early to bed, early to rise”. The Ayurvedic view on this is very clear. It is best to take our guidelines from nature.
Reiki: Give Your Health A Hand!
Explore the world of Reiki and discover how this unique energy healing can enhance your health and well-being.