TAG health
How to look after yourself in the Winter
Understand Ayurveda and food in winter. Find out how nourishing meals can enhance your well-being during cold seasons.
Efficient exercise gets results
Discover the perfect balance of time and workout for your fitness goals. Learn how to structure your weekly exercise routine.
Cultivate confidence
The key principle where health and body image are concerned seems to be straightforward on the surface. Let’s say that you happen to be a busy man or women and over the course of a year you gain a few kilos in weight. As a result you start to lose confidence in your body image and in yourself. It might not affect your work and your relationships, but at some level this lack of confidence starts to drag you down.
Ioannis Tsangaris: Make-up Magic
Throughout the history of ancient Rome, Egypt and Greece you will see that make up was used by both men and women. It wasn’t considered to be feminine but was used for religious or political purposes as well. Men have always used make up and especially now with so many make up artists applying make up on themselves for Instagram and YouTube.
“What I have also found over the years is that what links the people who have got the most out of the training I have provided -no matter their age or state of fitness when they start their exercise programme- is the level of motivation and the focus that they are willing to apply to make their workouts a success.”
Sex, Men & Exercise
“Excessive exercise can affect the luteinising hormone responses, which normally stimulates the testes to make testosterone every morning and during sex… the longer this suppression carries on, the lower the chance of recovery.” Professor Geoffrey Hackett.
Balancing food & exercise
It can be tempting, as a gym member, to believe that it is possible to work off the effects of what we eat once we get through the gym doors. But the relationship between diet and exercise is not so conveniently balanced.
Lebanon: the quiet sexual health revolution through LebMASH
LebMASH a Lebanese association, officially recognized in 2014, has a double mission: to educate people about sexual health and to train and support medical staff, paying special attention to the LGBT community.